

Calle L. Saenz Peña 105 - 1°a - 1110 BUENOS AIRES


Tel 011/43728566
Fax 011/43727652

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Italian Law D.Lgs 196/2003
The collecting and processing of personal data is in compliance with the law 675/96.
The data will be processed, communicated and disseminated, even through automated electronic means, directly or through third parties, for purposes related to the execution of orders and the correct management of the services and relationships, for statistical purposes and for the sending of promotional material related to the commercial initiatives of Comerio Ercole.
At any time, the customer can have access to his data, ask for modification or cancellation by contacting Comerio Ercole Spa at 0331488411, in Via Castellanza, 100-21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), as per provisions of art. 13 law 675/96.
Comerio Ercole Spa is the owner and the responsible for data collection.